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Friday, December 11, 2015

¡Eso sí que es!

This has been a year of growth and change for everyone in Casa Pantheon. Especially Q, my otherwise healthy son, who has experienced 2 major surgeries (ear and intestinal), switching schools, and the acquiring of a (pretty awesome) step-family. That's big stuff for a 7 year old.  

But the year is not yet over, and I fear that my mini-me has one more milestone to pass. One more hurdle to jump. Another in the never-ending parade of life's many potential disappointments to face.  Brace yourself, kiddo... I'm giving you socks for Christmas.

That isn't to say he's getting ONLY socks. I'm just saying that this is the first year that not every gift from mom is a super-cool-fun-time event. Sorry, kiddo. This year Mom is wrapping practical items like gloves, a car-seat tray table, and yes, socks. And some of them will be for you. And some of them will be for people less fortunate than us. People we haven't met and may never. Because there's a lot more in life that's a hell of a lot worse than not getting the toy you wanted for the holidays. As long as there is a penny to pinch, there's a penny to use to help others in need. It's never too early... or too late... to realize that.

And later that morning, when we sit wrapped in blankets, maybe sipping hot cocoa and watching a movie, we will be wealthy by all measures that truly matter. 

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