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Thursday, March 21, 2013

What happened with the missed post?

 I missed a post on March 18th.  That was not intentional, and I will make it up later, I'm sure.  But I thought I'd share what happened...

 I was planning on posting about the St Paddy's Day stand-by: Corned Beef and Cabbage.  The 17th was a busy day, with a birthday party for one of my son's classmates at the local children's science museum: Explora!  This place is way cool for adults and kids alike...

So, being crunched for time, I put the corned beef in a BIG pot of water, brought it to a boil, turned it down to a simmer, and left for the party.  We'd only be gone a couple hours, so no big deal, right?


We get to the house about 3 hours later.  All I can think is wow, someone must be grilling because it smells GOOD outside.  Then I open my door and the smoke just billows out... There's smoke everywhere, floor to ceiling, and I find out that the water boiled off and scorched pan and meat alike.

So now, it's days later and everything in my house still smells like a campfire.  My cats are ok, thanks goodness, and no one was hurt.  But I will never leave with the stove on again.  Slowcookers, if we need to leave... I just can't imagine what might have happened if we didn't make it home when we did.

We did go out and get an emergency backup corned beef.  And a metric #$@^-load of Febreeze.  But the smell of it, although not unpleasant, permeates every room.  It will take a while for this to clear out...

And that's what happens when you don't drink on St. Paddy's Day.
Don't let that happen to you!

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